Friday, December 14, 2007

The Role of Government

Amidst all the views concerning Matters Green as they are currently playing out -and they are legion- we find the unfortunately common view that Government Must Intercede, as exemplified by this article from our favorite Nanny State, in the relentlessly Socialist Guardian. A brief summary would state that the solution to our Green Disease is goverment rationing of consumer products. A reply to the article is much more deserving of wide publication:

December 3, 2007 1:26 AM

What the government is doing regarding climate change is passing the buck on to the individual.

It could easily ban incandescent light bulbs, air conditioners, insist that public buildings only be heated to 18 centigrade, give the subsidies the Germans do to those who invest in renewable energy, bring in strict laws regarding energy efficiency for new houses, stick an additional tax on electronic goods that don't go into proper standby, insist of aircraft fuel being taxed at the same rate as petrol and diesel, forbid subsidies from local or regional authorities to local airports or budget airlines, and a fair number of other measures.

Expecting the consumer to follow his conscience is a recipe for making people feel miserable and harrassed without significantly reducing energy use.

We are driven to ask: why is government not doing these things? Politically indigestible, might cost some politicians votes, perhaps. It seems to be a necessity of the profession nowadays that the backbone be excised prior to beginning a successful career.

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