Thursday, December 13, 2007

Extremism, I fear it....

....and some days, it seems like there's nothing left in our media but those positions where everyone concerned is breathing into a brown paper bag. Like the New Prohibition, which is another example (or, perhaps, a historically recurring example.....) of good intentions gone wrong, as and organization like MADD can morph itself into a gaggle of Carrie Nations.

This article, via Coffee and Diapers, gives a quote that must be replicated far and wide. It's as much a plea for individuality, free will, and self-recognizance as it is about the topic under discussion, and such statements are sorely needed:

We, the undersigned, take exception to the claim that social drinking in the presence of our children is a sign of irresponsible or bad parenting. Further, we contend that it is moderation that makes responsible drinkers, and that moderation and good sense are the responsibility of all citizens; that healthy attitudes towards the consumption of alcohol are learned in the home; that successful parenting does not require us to sacrifice the exercise of our own maturity in order to protect our children’s innocence; and that our society has more to fear from the poor judgment and intemperance of institutions which prey on parental insecurities than with the hospitality we share with other mothers in our parenting journey.


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