Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Surviving Brilliance

I was regaled this morning by someone on a cable news channel informing me of the brilliance of the present nominee for SCOTUS . Anyone who's a candidate for any government position above Toilet Brush Inventory Supervisor seems to automatically merit the title of "brilliant" these days. Not sure we'll survive too many more of those....

Sunday, June 6, 2010

No Changes

And then there was the people who once stood for progress and anticipation that the future would be better, and was somehow transformed into the Society of No Changes. Then comes the paradox of everyone engaged in the change of their choice, and paranoid / aggressive of any criticism thereof, and viewing the activities of others as disastrous and conspiratorial.
Every society ends as a book, then that book is reduced to a chapter in a later book, then to a subsequent paragraph, and finally just to a meme. "No Changes" is pretty sorry.