Monday, January 26, 2009

Are Facts Overrated?

Studies have (again) found that there is no link between autism and the preservative Thimerosal, used in vaccines. But the same voices are raised, over and over again -with no basis for their claims- that somehow Thimerosal is the I commented on in an earlier post. A broader issue is the irrational spillover that starts to blame ALL vaccination for a whole array of conditions.
There is no doubt there are many terrible afflictions in this vale of tears, and people are going to clutch desperately to anything that appears to provide an answer. There are celebrities with loud voices who have taken up this baseless cause, and for that reason, as the noise bounces around on the rocks and appears credible because of its volume, a number of weak-minded politicians join this ill-considered crusade.
But at some point facts must be acknowledged....or we are just "the tribe that lost its head."

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