Sunday, January 4, 2009

At It Again

As I recorded in this journal in December, the moves by government officials to circumvent or maneuver the Constitution (or just make stuff up) to avoid impeaching Illinois Governor "Little Rod" are despicable and cowardly enough, but the current announcement of Donk "leadership" in Congress that they will refuse to seat former IL Attorney General Roland Burris in The President-Elect's Senate seat is worse....they show that they can't even understand the difference between ex opere operato and ex opere operantis, if I may borrow a comparison from the early Church.

One. More. Time. Just because Governor Blagojevich is impossibly corrupt, false, fleeting, and perjured -which he is- it doesn't invalidate his actions as Governor, because he has neither been impeached nor convicted yet. Therefore, his appointment of Mr. Burris is within his powers as the sitting Governor of Illinois. Congress has no choice, therefore (except a wrong one) to refuse to seat Mr. Burris based on their opinion of Blag-O, they must debate Burris on HIS merits, not Blagojevich's.

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