Sunday, December 14, 2008

A Pox on Them...and you know who I mean

Now that we have some expectation of justice (notice I didn't say we were going to get it) in the arrest and charge of Gov. Blagojevich of Illinois for various malfeasances, it's time to give other politicians equal time to demonstrate in just how much contempt they hold our system of government.

Today's example: Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan Seeks Governor's Ouster

This is an abominable precedent, period. Madigan has demonstrated -not for the first time- her unfitness for public office. She seeks to maneuver the Illinois Constitution by her own clever definition of the charges against the Boy Blunder Blagojevich as "equivalent to a medical condition." Once this breathtaking redefinition is accepted, it then becomes trivial to accept (according to a never-employed clause in the Illinois Constitution) the removal of gubernatorial powers by the Illinois Supreme Court, making Blagojevich merely the inhabitant of a governor's mansion he has never physically occupied for the 6 years he's been in office.
Apart from Madigan's rather transparent move to spare the Legislature (aka her father) an impeachment trial, it merely exacerbates one of the truly dangerous trends in our government, where more and more important decisions are channeled into an unarguable decision by the Judiciary of either the Federal or a state government. Thus, the elected officials can avoid controversy, and a vote that will go against them in the next election.
An opinion held by many pundits seems to be that the Attorney General's request has no chance at all of even being considered by the Illinois Supreme Court. We can only pray that this is true, just as we may hope that Federal prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald continues to successfully charge the gang of corrupt politicians who every day screw on their pants (or skirts) and feed off the commonwealth.

I believe it was Karl Marx who said that "History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce." When it comes to politicians in this state, we're way beyond farce. This is yet another of a series of symptoms of our disease; I begin to think our Republic won't survive it.

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