Sunday, December 13, 2009

I'll Thank Them....

The six hundred pound gorilla of the world's problems -the one that seems to be consensually suppressed in the world's press- is population. It is the real core of "green," the sine qua non: with population control, the other problems can all be ameliorated; without it, they just get worse & worse. Resource depletion, energy, food supply, endangered species, pollution....even theories with untenable conclusions like global warming.
Population theorists like Paul Ehrlich have long passed from favor, yet they haven't been disproven. In the long haul, they maintain the carrying capacity of the Earth is probably no more than the current population of the United States.....and perhaps less.

Well, the Chinese have brought it up, and good for them.

As an aside, the Euros -among others- are becoming more deeply mired in highly questionable programs like establishing carbon markets for "cap & trade." As with all sweeping government economic manipulation it sounds good on paper......and it might just send the world economy down the same path that destroyed the economy of the Soviet Union, and was on the way to doing the same for China until they wised up.

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