Thursday, October 15, 2009

Damn You, Apologize!

Whatever channel I was watching this morning (Fox, I think, but, heck, it doesn't matter, could be any of them....) was featuring serial apologies.

"You apologize for calling Jessica Simpson fat!"

"Now that there's been a general apology, where's the specific apology?"

"We're drawing lots to determine whether Al Sharpton or Barbara Boxer will be first in line to decry the collective apologies and declare the transgression 'unforgivable'."

"Next: Apologies for calling Hillary Clinton a Secretary of State."

"Our chief investigative reporter will apologize soon for not having found a reason to have Don Imus fired again."

"At eleven, a list of suspects for immediate proscription who are rumored to have called Michelle Obama 'unfashionable'."

"Tomorrow at 5. You are on The Weather Channel, apologizing for the California mudslides with Al Roker."

That is all.

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