Monday, November 17, 2008


The online comic, which rocks -some of the time- has a great one here:

"A Bunch of Rocks"

I found the strip verbose, however. Richard Brautigan, a deservedly third-rate writer*, summed up this particular suspension of the laws of space-time better, in perhaps the best line he managed:

"You should have ridden with Jesse James, for all the time you stole from me."

Yeah, we stole your time. And we used ours to give something back....if you were listening.

*No. No. He's a third-rate writer. Lots of writers are, just keep repeating that until you believe it.

"But maaaan, he wrote Trout Fishing in America, maaaan, it's such a cool title maaaan."

....and did you ever read it? Even in Cliff's Notes? Do you think the criterion for awarding Nobel Prizes in literature should be scribbling anarchic crap attacking Western Civilization? Oh, wait.......

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