Saturday, June 28, 2008

Then They Came For Me....

The Chicago Tribune seems to think it would be a good idea if the 2nd Amendment were repealed, in light of the Supreme Court's decision this week upholding the right of individuals to own firearms, and striking down D.C.'s infamous handgun ban. Now Duke Daley of the Principality of the County of Cook in Illinois is huffing about it. Of course, this guy stands for the law, controling as he does what is probably the most overwhelmingly corrupt county in the United States.

If "people" in any of the first 10 Amendments means "us," actual flesh & blood people, and not some abstract legalistic nonsense, then all those Amendments are valid. We have the right to keep & bear arms, speech, religion, press, assembly, petition, freedom from unreasonable search & seizure, all the rest of it. If one goes, "people" goes in all of them, according to the rule of precedent, so goes the Bill of Rights.......and the Chicago Tribune. Some poetic justice there, but I doubt I'll appreciate it.

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