Monday, June 22, 2009

They just don't get it.

Government is so large and out of control that one part is heedless of the actions of another....or of the overarching rules that are supposed to prevail in our national life.
Here, the NYT details the furor over some Missouri Nazis having a stretch of road to clean up. While it comes as no surprise that there's been a furor, ANY branch of government should know that they CANNOT deny a group equal access. This principle has been well established since landmark Supreme Court decisions going on 50 years ago......and yet we have the earlier case of hysteria over the Minutemen wanting to do similar public service in San Diego. It may appear to be more substantive than PETA bitching about KFC, but in reality, it's less.

Can there be a critical mass of a negative- as in this case, of blind pig ignorance? If so, we must be close......

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